Esplanade at Night

James Seville photographed by Giancarlo D’Agostaro.
An exploration of the solo stroll home… A moment between moments—just like any other 

It could be any moment. One of these moments that opens, slows, expands, and transcends—defies!—time in order to hold so much life together at once…
Holding it all with such clarity and warmth

Forever humbled by and living for the love of these moments
Moments that nurture growth and gratitude—moments of necessary perspective shifts
instant shifts into new acceptance, love, and understanding—a whole new take on life arising from a single moment
Even the most familiar route can become a silent journey inward; a deep dive into the self
a return to the universal
Here are 2 recent videos from James Seville look out for his next album “Camp Panama”, coming soon
Click through for current links and streaming info from James Seville and look out for his upcoming album “Camp Panama”
And see more of G's work here
Only following Dreams from Now On